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The State-Of-The-Art Technology used might cause you to wonder how we do what we do. But state-of-the-art technology enhances your experience so that you can inquire about your insurance needs 24 hours per day by phone, email, live chat, and text message:
  • When you visit www.ChaseAgency.com, we can see the name of the City and State in which you are located and what pages you are visiting on our website. If we see that you are getting stuck on any webpage or going in circles; we can pop up an invitation for you to ask us a question or pop up a webpage we think you are looking for. If you call the office, your phone call and/or voicemail messages are matched with your website visits. It is not uncommon for a telephone representative to know exactly what state you are in and what type of insurance you are looking for before you speak your first word. This saves the caller a lot of time trying to explain what she needs.
  • You can SEND TEXT MESSAGES and call 24 hours per day on our main office telephone line: 1-330-333-BUY3 (2893) and on various other 24-hour hotlines such as our animal liability insurance hotline 1-707-706-DOGS (3647).
  • You can talk to a live person immediately 24 hours per day directly from your computer wherever you see the image that says "CLICK HERE TO TALK NOW". Click on that image and follow the instructions to enter your phone number. Your phone will ring moments later and you will be connected with an agent. During busy times, however, you may have to hold or leave a message. There is no promise that you will immediately reach a live person 100% of the time.
  • You can call any one of the information hotlines 24 hours per day to get more information about a specific type of insurance without talking directly to a person. This is great for the person who is researching her options and who is not ready apply or to talk live to a representative but who wants more information and the ability to leave a message requesting a call back:
    • 1-817-710-4294 (Animal Liability Insurance);
    • 1-773-599-4698 (Builder's Risk Insurance);
    • 1-714-881-4447 (Stand Alone Umbrella);
    • 1-817-776-5444 (Event, Concessionaire, Camp, Concert Insurance);
    • 1-718-713-7125 (General Inquiries)
    • There is a toll-free number for clients only.
    Obviously, we use many different telephone lines for many different purposes with customer convenience being the sole motivating factor. Since insurance is offered in 48 US states and in over 227 countries worldwide, a need for a variety of phone exchanges is inevitable. For example, if there is a new insurance product or new insurance need in Nebraska, a Nebraskan telephone number will be established for Nebraskans to use. This should not confuse you to believe that we have an office in Nebraska. These phone numbers are designed for the convenience of the people dialing them.
The type of insurance typically offered is the kind you can't easily find at your local insurance agent's office. Chase Carmen Hunter, www.ChaseAgency.com (including affiliates with/of), and/or Chase Financial Services Since 1993 is an insurance provider, serving businesses and families worldwide. Every effort is made to make sure that your insurance and financial needs are met with financially capable companies that are highly rated by A.M. BestŪ.

This website has been designed with many interactive links that provide instant online insurance quotes. If the product that you want has instant online quoting, you will be given the option to apply online instantly. Some online applications can be instantly approved and purchased online within minutes. Some online applications are not instantly approved and are delivered to a person who will conduct a preliminary underwriting review or a full underwriting review and who will contact you directly by phone or e-mail within about 30 minutes or less. Follow the website through the process. You will be taken through the process step-by-step.

If the product that you want does not have instant online quoting, you will be given the option to complete an online application that will be delivered to a person who will conduct a preliminary underwriting review and who will contact you directly by phone or e-mail within about 30 minutes.

If you cannot find an online application for the product that you want, you can send an e-mail inquiry to Ask a question.

Chase Carmen Hunter, www.ChaseAgency.com (including affiliates with/of), and/or Chase Financial Services Since 1993 is not an insurance company but is primarily an insurance producer, agent, and/or broker (depending on your state's licensing regulations). A producer, agent, and/or broker works directly or indirectly with the insurance company to obtain insurance coverage and is usually paid a commission.

Chase Carmen Hunter, www.ChaseAgency.com (including affiliates with/of), and/or Chase Financial Services Since 1993 is also an affiliate for insurance companies. An affiliate is not an agent. An affiliate doesn't work directly or indirectly with the insurance company to obtain insurance but links website visitors to an insurance company's website where visitors can get instant online quotes and buy insurance online directly from the insurance company. An affiliate does not get paid a commission if an insurance policy is purchased but sometimes gets a small referral fee averaging $2.50

Please, visit the disclosures page for insurance licensing information. Feel free to verify the licensing information with your state insurance regulator before submitting your application or your payment. Visit the terms of use and privacy policy page for details about your right to privacy and the terms and conditions of your use of www.ChaseAgency.com.

Copyright © 2001-2020 Chase Financial Services Since 1993
Not affiliated with JPMorgan Chase & Co. nor any other business connected with JPMorgan Chase & Co.
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Chase Carmen Hunter, www.ChaseAgency.com, and Chase Financial Services Since 1993 offer services to residents of any country in the world including the following states of the United States of America: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming. Not all products are available in all states.