How to turn off your pop-up blocker
If you follow these instructions below to disable your popup blocker but still have problems opeing new webpages while using, it is probably because you have more than one popup blocker installed on your computer.
If you are using Internet Explorer: Find "TOOLS" on your menu bar (which is usually the 5th item from the left listed across the top of your Internet Explorer window.) Click on "TOOLS". Then find "POP-UP BLOCKER" in the drop-down menu. Click on it. Find "TURN OFF POP-UP BLOCKER" in the next drop-down menu. Click on it. You pop-up blocker is now off. If you don't find "TURN OFF POP-UP BLOCKER" in this drop-down menu but you find "TURN ON POP-UP BLOCKER", then your pop-up blocker is currently off.
If you are using Netscapte Navigator: Find "TOOLS" on your menu bar (which is usually the 6th item from the left listed across the top of your Netscape Navigator window.) Click on "TOOLS". Then find "POP-UP MANAGER" in the drop-down menu. Click on it. Find "ALLOW POP-UPS FROM THIS SITE" in the next drop-down menu. Click on it.
If you are using America Online (AOL): Find "SETTINGS" on your menu bar (which is usually the 4th item from the left listed across the top of your AOL window.) Click on "SETTINGS". Then find "PREFERENCES" in the drop-down menu. Click on it. Find "POP-UPS" in the box that opens. Click on it. If you have a check in the box next to "SUPPRESS POP-UPS FROM WEBSITES I VISIT USING AOL SOFTWARE", uncheck this box. Click "SAVE". Or you can leave this box checked and add to your list of websites you will accept pop-ups from. To do this, find the text box inside this box that is labeled "ALLOW ONLY THESE SITES (SUPRESS ALL OTHERS)". Type WWW.CHASEAGENCY.COM in this text box, click "ADD", and click "SAVE". (If there is not a check in the box next to "SUPPRESS POP-UPS", then your pop-up blocker is currently off.

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